導演:強納森德米 ( Jonathan Demme )
演員:湯姆漢克 ( Tom Hanks )
            丹佐華盛頓 ( Denzel Washington )
            安東尼奧班德拉斯 ( Antonio Banderas )


從櫃子上拿出電影原聲CD,聽著Bruce Springsteen用他低沈性感的嗓音唱著Streets of Philadelphia,閉起眼睛開始在腦中回想電影的片段。我喜歡用這種方式再去回味我喜歡的經典電影之一--費城(Philadelphia)。

Tom Hanks的演技自然不在話下,這部片讓他獲得1993年奧斯卡最佳男主角獎,而我覺得帥男丹佐其實也演得很讚,把有「恐同症」律師的角色拿捏的適當得宜,不會太搶戲卻又讓人不得不去注意到他。




Streets Of Philadelphia
Words and music by Bruce Springsteen

i was bruised and battered i couldn't tell
what i felt
i was unrecognizable to myself
i saw my reflection in a window i didn't know
my own face
oh brother are you gonna leave me
wastin' away
on the streets of philadelphia

i walked the avenue 'til my legs felt like stone
i heard the voices of friends vanished and gone
at night i could hear the blood in my veins
black and whispering as the rain
on the streets of philadelphia

ain's no angel gonna greet me
it's just you and i my friend
my clothes don't fit me no more
i walked a thousand miles
just to slip this skin

the night has fallen, i'm lyin' awake
i can feel myself fading away
so receive me brother with your faithless kiss
or will we leave each other alone like this
on the streets of philadelphia

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